Continuous quality improvement
Our quality assurance system is based on both quantitative (success rates) and qualitative data (employer, learner, tutor feedback). Self-Assessment Reports and Quality Improvement Plans are used. An annual Self-Assessment Report identifies strengths and areas for improvement areas for improvement leading to the development of the Quality Improvement Plan which outlines actions needed to address areas for improvement. Regular course evaluation reviews are undertaken throughout the year which both identifies progress towards addressing areas for improvement in the Quality Improvement Plan and in-year performance against national benchmarks and across our programmes. Internal and external verification reports are used to monitor programme performance. Audits by funding bodies and partners identify further strengths and areas for improvement and also inform the above.
The employer and learner voice is a key element of the quality system. Feedback, programme evaluation, and satisfaction surveys lead to changes in programme design, delivery and resources. All staff are required to be vocationally qualified and competent and either have or be working towards appropriate teaching and/or assessing/IV etc qualifications to meet the requirements of awarding bodies, sector expectations and colleges etc. Original certificates are checked at recruitment and copies are taken for our records. All staff undertake continuous professional development to ensure that they update and develop their skills on a rolling basis. Records of monitoring instructors, IVs and assessor’s performance and feedback are kept to ensure quality of delivery